Infinite Banking Concept Explained – Secure Your Future


IBC explained

The Infinite Banking Concept® (IBC®) - Better with a CFP® and an authorized ibc practitioner®!

Establish more generational wealth through your personal private banking system. Your only option is not commercial banks for your banking needs. 

Infinite Banking is a fancy name for financing your wants profitably inside your household and business, and not with the bank.  

Explore how Infinite Banking can support you in securing a lifetime of stable and predictable financial expansion.

  • Access a financial solution where you can deposit funds, earn a competitive return, and utilize your money freely without penalties or fees.
  • Benefit from various financial advantages such as liquidity, guarantees, tax benefits, creditor protection, meeting business requirements, and achieving tax-free retirement.

IBC is a strategy how to Become Your Own Banker®.  It's not new in the financial planning space.  It is time tested being used successfully for over 175 years by a long list of wealthy individuals and businesses. In response to one of the biggest controllable problems people are facing (financing costs), Nelson Nash, in 2000, named it Infinite Banking Concept or IBC.

"The IBC strategy is part of the worlds best All-In-One Financial Plan foundation and Perfect Non-Investment Investment." 

The IBC foundation provides all the attributes people want in the perfect financial plan - financial management, banking, financing, insurance, risk management, retirement planning, investment planning, tax planning, estate planning, and wealth management. Its actually the world's best risk-adjusted return asset and is tax-exempt!  Its a strong consideration for the core of all our services - and is complementary to traditional financial planning strategies that we also offer.

IBC explained

The Infinite Banking Concept serves as an All-In-One  financial strategy employed by wealthy families, corporations, and high-net-worth individuals to safeguard and increase their wealth. They benefit from the advantages of utilizing the power of infinite banking.

Infinite Banking Concept

Who are they?

  • Walt Disney - Disney World
  • Jim Pattison - The Jim Pattison Group
  • Ted Rogers - Rogers Communications
  • Ray Kroc - McDonalds
  • John D. Rockefeller - Standard Oil Company
  • Rothchild Family - International Banking
  • R. Nelson Nash
  • Robert Kiyosaki
  • Tony Robbins
  • US Presidents
  • Half of US Senate
  • Bill Gates
  • Warren Buffett

Companies like

  • General Electric
  • Nike
  • Starbucks
  • Harley Davidson
  • Pampered Chef
  • Sears
  • J.C. Penney
  • US and Canadian Banks - BOLI (bank owned life insurance)
  • FedEx

While the typical investor is advised to focus on long-term investments, dollar-cost averaging, and investing in RRSPs, wealthy individuals operate under a distinct set of rules, leveraging strategies to tilt the game in their favour, securing guaranteed returns with minimal risk.

Step into a world of financial empowerment with the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC). This transformative approach positions you as your own banker, opening doors to a personalized financial strategy.

To achieve wealth, emulate the habits of the rich who prioritize strategy over chance. The key lies in adopting a prudent and calculated approach rather than relying on luck or risky ventures. 

The truth is, rather than seeking greater risks for increased gains, what you truly require is a more intelligent financial framework. The Infinite Banking Concept offers such a system by enabling you to safeguard, enhance, and expand your wealth within a single accessible account. Unlike traditional retirement funds that restrict access, this concept allows you the flexibility to utilize your funds whenever needed for any purpose.

When it comes to paying for, or off, big-ticket item purchases, personally, or in your business, how do you do it?

The Problems

The Problems

  • You're forfeiting the compounding of your money - losing out on massive capital growth
  • You have to save again for your next purchase
reach financial experts

The Problems

  • You are constantly paying interest to the bank
  • When your loan is paid, you have to borrow again for your next purchase

There is a better way!

Step into a world of financial empowerment with the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC). This transformative approach positions you as your own banker, opening doors to a personalized financial strategy.

Here's how it works:

Deposits & Safety

The funds you deposit into your Infinite Banking plan retain their value indefinitely. A segment of your account is shielded from legal actions, ensuring its security. As your account operates based on a contractual agreement, you have clear visibility into the guaranteed returns it offers. Moreover, being a private contract, it is not subject to the regulations governing government-backed retirement schemes.

Growth Potential

Your wealth increases effortlessly through tax-advantaged growth and the power of compounding interest within your account. With a consistent and assured return that typically averages around 5% historically, your wealth is set to grow steadily over time.

Unleash Liquidity

Easily tap into your funds for any need through swift and convenient access loans, all the while allowing your account balance to keep expanding. These private loans from your banking institution come without a designated repayment timeline and do not necessitate a credit assessment.

There is a better way!

See how adding this
ONE piece to your financial plan
can change your life...

✓ Valid

see how you can benefit

The Infinite Banking facilitates the creation of real, enduring wealth ... effortlessly.

Your Retirement

In the realm of retirement planning, we aspire to envision grand possibilities! Should our retirement savings fall short of fulfilling our dreams, the Preferred Retirement Solution stands ready to assist. Certain life insurance policies feature cash value that can be utilized as collateral for a tax-free bank loan, augmenting your retirement income. Unlike conventional loans, the debt is settled using the funds from the life insurance policy.

Your lasting legacy

Inquiring about one’s desire to leave a lasting legacy often elicits a resounding yes. However, when asked about the means to achieve such a noble goal, many may admit uncertainty with a simple “I have no idea.” Surprisingly, the solution lies within your life insurance policy. The tax-free death benefit from a life insurance policy can serve as a legacy that transcends your earthly presence. This benefit is not solely reserved for those looking to provide for their loved ones. Therefore, if you believe life insurance may not align with your specific circumstances, it’s time to reconsider. A life insurance policy has the potential to positively impact numerous individuals or even entire communities long after you’ve passed.

Increases your deposits through an annual dividend, enhancing your cash value.

Ensures capital preservation without jeopardizing the principal amount, safeguarding your cash value from market fluctuations and shielding your funds in the event of another economic downturn.

Resolves cash flow challenges with rapid access loans for any need, without the need for a credit check or inquiries, providing a seamless solution.

Provides preferred creditor protection, so your funds remain secure from potential loss in the face of legal actions or bankruptcy concerns.

Instant access to your funds in case of disability or emergencies without the need to liquidate your assets.

Enables tax-free retirement by offering the option to receive monthly payments without tax implications upon retirement, free from age restrictions and early withdrawal penalties.

Only a select few are acquainted with the Infinite Banking Concept, yet those who dedicate time to educate themselves have been delighted with the results or have been guided by a Nelson Nash Institute (NNI) Authorized IBC Practitioner®.

There is a better way!

See how adding this
ONE step to your financial plan
can change your life...

Download our free IBC e-book

For Business

Business owners are significantly underserved in the financial realm. During the early stages of a business, finances are tight, and every cent is crucial for survival. Although it’s important to establish saving habits early on, they often take a backseat as the business demands immediate attention. Consequently, many small business owners resort to accumulating substantial debt to fuel their growth. They require additional capital for hiring new employees, investing in marketing efforts, and a myriad of other necessities.

For Real Estate Investors

We know how important it is to have cash on hand for your real estate ventures. With Infinite Banking, you get a secure and easily accessible cash storage option that puts you in full control of your money. No more relying on traditional banks or dealing with their restrictions and hoops to jump through. But that’s not all. Infinite Banking also offers you maximum flexibility when it comes to deposits and repayment terms. Finding the right real estate deal can sometimes require quick action and a hefty down payment. With Infinite Banking, you can deploy your funds at a moment’s notice when you find that perfect property. No more waiting around for loans or dealing with lenders’ red tape.

Authorized IBC®️ Practitioner

We are Authorized Infinite Banking Concept® (IBC)® Practitioners.

The Authorized IBC® Practitioner is a type of financial professional that is set apart from among the ranks of the three-quarters of a million licensed financial experts in the U.S. and Canada.

These individuals may be attorneys, CPAs, CFPs, CLUs or even stockbrokers, but in addition to their given trade they also practice a unique financial strategy that they teach to their clients.

Authorized IBC®️ Practitioner
Authorized IBC®

Authorized IBC® Practitioners must successfully complete the in-depth IBC Practitioners course, be interviewed, and ultimately accepted before membership is granted.

Authorized IBC® Practitioners advise on “sound money”. Sound money is money that never loses value. Stock market is “unsound money”.

This concept is so radically different from traditional wealth building strategies and the results so appreciably better that these practitioners are beginning to receive notable interest.

The technique is so all-encompassing that it is not too far fetched to say that no other strategy will ever be needed in order to get the desired financial results.

Authorized IBC® Practitioners are an elite group with Canadian members only numbering around 50.

We have close to 40-years experience with IBC making meaning we know more about IBC than virtually any other financial advisor in Canada.

Any licensed life insurance agent can try to duplicate the expertise but invariably they are discrediting themselves by stealing the use of the names Infinite Banking and IBC.

Infinite Banking Canada Group

Infinite Banking Canada Group (IBCG) is a group of independent financial advisors in Canada who are also Authorized IBC® Practitioners.

IBCG members provide those interested in IBC® more choice than non-independent IBC® providers. Many IBCG members also hold some or all of the following professional designations – CFP®, CLU®, CPA®, EPC®, TEP® and more. In addition to being Authorized IBC® Practitioners, members must also be interviewed and approved for membership.

IBC® Resources

Increase your understanding

Take control of your financial world by Becoming Your Own Banker®

The foundation of Whole Picture Planning – the best storehouse of increasing usable wealth

Infinite Banking Concept® (IBC®) Resources

IBC® Resources

The 4 problems with the Banking system

financial planning services

We are members of Nelson Nash Institute (NNI) and Infinite Banking Canada Group (IBCG).

NNI is the creator of the Infinite Banking Concept® and is the grantor of the Authorized IBC® Practitioner® designation.

IBCG is the largest group of collaborating independent Financial Advisors and Certified Financial Planners® (CFPs®) who are Authorized IBC Practitioners across Canada.

We joined NNI and IBCG after our research concluded conventional wisdom and education about money leaves out key information – information that has been used by banks and the wealthy for generations.

NNI and IBCG aims to correct the common misconceptions that people have about money – and share a new way to think about and handle money – utilizing the Infinite Banking Concept with your own finances and Become Your Own Banker.

Our mission is to educate and inspire individual Canadians to take control of their financial lives by reclaiming the banking function from outsiders.

The Authorized IBC Practitioner is a type of financial professional that is set apart from among the ranks of the three-quarters of a million licensed financial experts in the U.S. and Canada. These individuals may be attorneys, CPAs, CFPs, CLUs or even stockbrokers, but in addition to their given trade they also practice a unique financial strategy that they teach to their clients.

This concept is so radically different from traditional wealth building strategies and the results so appreciably better that these practitioners are beginning to receive notable interest. The technique is so all-encompassing that it is not too far fetched to say that no other strategy will ever be needed in order to get the desired financial results.

Authorized IBC Practitioner

There is a better way!
Lost money can be recaptured!

Become your own banker today!

Below are many resources that are available to you learn more about IBC®. Some resources will resonate better with you than some.

Please help us educate future generations by introducing them to ways they can take back control of their money.

Do what the wealthy do!

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Banking With Life: The Infinite Banking Concept® Documentary

The headlines never change, and the problems stay the same. Taxes keep increasing. Inflation keeps rising. Economic booms are followed by the inevitable bust. It’s impossible for working families to get ahead by following the typical financial advice. What’s more, the current financial system is set up to benefit banking institutions, not you! In Banking With Life, you will learn that you can take control of your financial future by turning the banking equation in your favor. You can literally Become Your own Banker, and it is easier than you think. The Infinite Banking Concept® is a proven system that has been around for many, many years.

This Is Nelson Nash: The Creator of The Infinite Banking Concept

“This Is Nelson Nash: The Creator of The Infinite Banking Concept” A film by the Nelson Nash Institute ( R. Nelson Nash was the creator of the Infinite Banking Concept, and the author of the book Becoming Your Own Banker. This film tells the story of Nelson Nash, a tireless advocate of personal liberty and free market economics, and his impact spreading the Infinite Banking Concept. In 2018, less than one year before he died, he was presented with the Blinking Lights Award by FEE for his lifetime of accomplishments in promoting liberty and free market economics around the world. This film highlights that event along with interviews with R. Nelson Nash, David Stearns (President, Infinite Banking Concepts, and Board of Directors, the Nelson Nash Institute), Austrian Economist Robert Murphy (Board of Directors, the Nelson Nash Institute) Carlos Lara (Board of Directors, Nelson Nash Institute).